Hole In The Head Review is committed to publishing the best contemporary poetry and visual art. We publish emerging and established artists, photographers, and writers. We are committed to responding to submissions within 45 days of submission.

Hole In The Head Review reserves first North American serial rights. All rights revert to the author upon publication. If you republish your work in a print or other journal, please credit Hole In The Head Review for the first publication.

We welcome your work.

All submissions should include:

  • A title for your submission
  • A brief 3rd person bio
  • A cover letter and/or submission description (optional)
  • We accept simultaneous submissions; please inform us immediately If you need to withdraw part of your submission.

Poetry submissions: Please submit no more than five poems at once, and upload them as a single file - preferably a Word file using a 12 point font; no more than one poem per page

Visual submissions: 

  • Photographs - Please submit no more than five images in jpg format, no smaller than 5"x7".  Keep the file sizes below 2 meg. If you can set the resolution, use 72 pixels per inch.
  • Video/other - we accept .jpg, .png, .tif, .mov, .mp4, .mpg, .wmv files. 

If you have questions, please contact us directly: editor@holeintheheadreview.com


Hole In The Head Review established the Charles Simic Poetry Prize in 2023 to honor our late friend and mentor. This year, first prize will receive $1,000. The Editor's Choice prize is a signed, first edition copy of Simic's Pulitzer winning book, The World Doesn't End. Prize winners and finalists will be published in our November 1 issue.

This year Dana Levin, who studied with Charlie, will judge. You can read her reflection on Charlie here: The Yale Review | Dana Levin: "Lessons of the Line" and more about her work here: Dana Levin (danalevinpoet.com).

Please contact us if you have any questions, editor@holeintheheadreview.com

All submissions should include:

  • A brief 3rd person bio
  • A cover letter and/or submission description (optional)
  • We accept simultaneous submissions; please inform us immediately If you need to withdraw your submission
  • Please submit one poem and upload it–preferably in a Word file using a 12 point font
  • Please do not include your name or other identifying information on your submission
  • We will accept multiple submissions with a submission fee for each
  • Please send just one poem for consideration

Please note that we kept the submission fee low to encourage all poets to submit regardless of financial status. If you are unable to submit because of financial hardship, please contact us at editor@holeintheheadreview.com

We appreciate any extra financial support for our work. Hole In The Head is always free of charge and staffed by tireless, poetry-loving volunteers! The Tip Jar is always open!

Hole In The Head Review